Integrative Quantum MedicineTM (IQM) Training

2190585651“I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!”

I’ve tried everything over the years: doctors, pain medication, surgery, therapy, natural remedies, massages, chiropractors, exercise, yoga, meditation…

But nothing seems to ease my chronic pain.

I know there must be something out there that can help. I feel so helpless and hopeless!

Stuck in a box of the mind…

Your pain will define you.

It will shape your worldview and limit your mind because it can’t think of anything other than finding a solution to your discomfort.

You can keep searching for something outside of yourself to fix your pain… and get increasingly frustrated, defeated, and depressed when you come up short.

You can continue on this path, ignoring that little voice in the background urging you to think outside the box of what your mind knows.

Or you can follow your instinct to go against your brain and nervous system’s conventions and do something new!

1036908469Heal and transform with IQM Training.

By developing new insights and practicing new behaviors, you can heal and transform!

When you learn IQM, you will discover and harness the energies of traditional and energetic Chinese medicine, Qi Gong, Western anatomy and physiology, and quantum theory.

IQM teaches you to recognize the energy of your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, behavior patterns, and physical manifestations and shift that energy for immediate relief, greater ease, and better balance.

IQM teaches you how to balance your energy, heal your body and mind, and lessen the impact that external forces have ON you by using a resource that’s already a part OF you.

We are all vibrating energy, and IQM teaches you to shift that energy. People often notice a tingling in their body as this happens and then report that their symptoms have instantaneously disappeared.

After IQM treatment, many find they no longer need pain or allergy medication, their muscles no longer ache, their body becomes aligned and flexible, and their immune function improves.

As an IQM practitioner, you’ll learn to clear energy blockages to restore the body’s systems to perfection!

1766387939Using IQM, you’ll…

Examine why energy affects you as it does…

Because we are all energy and the world is made of energy, when you begin to study IQM, your awareness of this energy will expand and increase. IQM looks at all the types of energies in the world, from the lowest vibrations of gravity to the highest vibrations of spirit.

Acquire the skills needed to correct imbalances…

Using kinetic techniques that identify blockages, you’ll be able to tune into imbalances with precision and perform the shift needed to restore proper function and promote health.

Learn to access your innate healing abilities…

When you study IQM, you appreciate the power at your fingertips. We all can be energy workers! Moment by moment, everything is constantly changing—energy is always vibrating. As an IQM energy worker, you will connect to this flow of change and correct imbalances as they occur. You’ll be able to shift your energy “in the moment” to reinforce the experiences in your life that align with your highest good.

Are you ready to tap into the power of energy?

Does it sound too easy?

Or too hard?

We’re a “prove it” culture, so you might be wary, feeling like you need to “see it to believe it.” I understand. That’s why I offer a free mini-IQM session so that you can experience these energy shifts for yourself!

Nothing you’ve tried has worked, so what do you have to lose?

Call me today to schedule a free session: (785) 817-0517.