About Therapy

488542315No one wants to feel awful.

Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, like you just can’t keep up with everything another day.

There are too many days you’d rather sleep all day – calling off work, canceling plans…

Sometimes, you can’t muster the energy or motivation to get anything done for yourself because you’re so busy caring for everyone and their needs.

“Can someone else do the adulting for a while and take care of me for once?!”

Our bodies are pretty good survival machines.

So, they have a lot of tricks to keep us going. They help us ignore the fact that we feel so awful… or distract us so that we care a little less.

Tricks that keep us seemingly busy. Overworking, over-socializing, over-drinking, or overeating – anything to avoid having to think or feel.

And it works for a while, then suddenly, out of the blue, you are crying or angry for no good reason.

You’re here because you want something that WILL work for your path forward.

1739845979When you find someone who really listens…

There’s just something about finding someone who REALLY gets you and where you’re coming from. It makes you feel heard and validated.

Suddenly, you’re not ashamed of having the thoughts and feelings you have. In fact, you realize there’s nothing wrong with them at all – there’s nothing wrong with you.

That’s why I’m here.

I’m here to help you sort through the squiggly tangle of everything inside to give you some relief.

I can hear you thinking now: “Ahhh… maybe this isn’t as big and complicated and out of control as it feels!”

And you’re right: It’s not that big and complicated. It’s an enlightening, exciting relief!

We’ll explore YOUR story.

You will get to share your story: your thoughts, emotions, doubts, challenges, and fears. But we don’t stop there. That would be what I call “puddling” – just sitting there in a muddy puddle, wishing you were not wet and messy!

We’ll go much further. I won’t just hand you a towel or tell you to pull yourself up by your muddy galoshes.

Using encouragement, a bit of science, some tools, and creative solutions, I’ll help you take what you’re learning into your day-to-day life.

You may even laugh with delight when your mind opens to new possibilities and perspectives!

About Me

 Mg 5184I believe it’s my responsibility to pass along my knowledge.

In life, we all experience anger, sadness, loss, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, shame, regret, loneliness, joy, gratefulness, miracles, hope, and love. And, yes, we also go through bad times – maybe even questioning whether we want to be in this world.

As a behavioral scientist, I wanted to figure out what’s behind all these emotions and experiences – to get to the heart of what they mean. I wanted to break it down and create a formula to guide us toward a better way of living.

I hope you will gain new perspectives, see new beginnings, and create the world you want to live in.

My mission is to help you live intentionally.

To live intentionally means a healthy balance of spiritual intelligence; physical, mental, and emotional health; trusting relationships; and purpose in your life. Living Intentionally means that you feel the power and the freedom in knowing that you alone create your world.

Every word, thought, and emotion you choose aligns with your values and comes from a place of love for yourself. And every moment is a new opportunity to embrace, learn and grow.

I use the same tenacity, strength, and resilience that I apply to my life purpose with you in our work together. Blending my creativity with my analytical mind results in solutions, a new direction, out of the puddle – and it will catapult you forward in your growth.

Some of my education and training…

I have always considered myself an artist. I graduated with a degree in visual communications and illustration from the University of Kansas.

When I received my master’s degree in community counseling from the University of Phoenix, I knew I wanted to push my career into the artistic field. So, I completed additional graduate studies in expressive arts therapy from the I.S.I.S. Southwest (International School of Intermodal Studies).

As I became more knowledgeable about how energy impacts our lives, I became a certified Integrative Quantum MedicineTM (IQM) practitioner and teacher.

When I’m not doing therapy…

You might find me crocheting, watching football, cooking, working on another house project, or walking with my golden doodle pup.

I usually have at least three books I am reading at any given time, but I always make time for my daughter and wife. And we always stop everything on the weekends and listen to “Wait, wait, don’t tell me” on NPR.

1669912651Today, you can begin your transformative, intentional life.

You are a pebble that’s been dropped into the pond of this earth. And just like the ripples moving out on a pond, you will soon see how working on yourself affects you AND those around you.

By mastering the Laws of the Universe for yourself, you become a healer, positively impacting your family, friends, community, and the planet.

Let’s begin your journey to move you from chaos to calm… confusion to clarity… failure to mastery.

It’s time you felt the freedom of being in charge of your life!

I would be honored to be your advisor, guide, and healer. Call me today for your free consultation: (785) 817-0517.