Energy Healing

1667439832You would be amazed at what starts with a single thought!

Have you ever found yourself thinking randomly of someone, and then they called? Or you ran into them at the store?

Did you study hard for the exam or that job interview, ace the test, and get the job?

Or maybe you studied hard for the exam, and the job interview didn’t get a good grade at all – and got the rejection letter in your email box for the job you interviewed for.

Check yourself: did you have doubts and fears looming in the back of your mind – thoughts like I know I’m going to fail or I don’t know if I want this job?

1707303565It’s easy to see how our thoughts and emotions manifest in the world.

Have you caught yourself saying, “I knew that was going to happen,” whether it was “good” or “bad,” and then it did? The groceries fell, the car crashed, you got a cold, you got the raise, and the most fabulous person asked you out.

As you daydream about something you want in your life, you can feel the energy behind it, and the excitement builds. We can even “see” ourselves in its possession, whether it’s a new car, outfit, doctorate, or the absolutely perfect job.

Our whole being is all into getting what we want. We think about it. We feel what it would be like to have it. We are all in. There are no doubts about it. There is no fear, no doubts, and you focus on it and go to all lengths to get it.

Whatever you can imagine – there it is. So, it’s important to really know what we are thinking and feeling at any given moment and be intentional about that – because it will manifest.

1363317248We can also see how we bump up against others’ energy.

Have you ever noticed that if you happen to walk into a room where others may have been fighting or having a heated discussion, you can feel the tension – you are uncomfortable, at the least? And you may even want to leave quickly or try to fix the situation, depending on how you manage stress.

We pick up other people’s energy all the time. Sometimes, you know this is not yours, and other times we take it on ourselves and try to make sense of it. We rack our minds for a reason for feeling a certain way.

Awareness of all the ways we are affected by energy begins a conversation of what energy you put into the world and what energy you pick up from your world.

We can work with energy to change your life.

When I work with energy (you’ll learn to do it, too), I use Louise Mita’s Integrative Quantum MedicineTM (IQM) methods. This approach combines Chinese traditional and Energetic Medicine, Qi Gong, Western anatomy and physiology, and Quantum Theory.

IQM can help with mental, emotional, or physical pain, discomfort, and chronic issues that aren’t cured or responsive to traditional methods. From seasonal allergies to chronic fatigue, migraines, muscle pain, depression, sadness, anger, hurt, defensiveness, and co-dependency. The list is long because we often approach these issues from an energetic perspective. We can shift the energy so we no longer feel the discomfort.

Energy work can enhance other treatments or interventions you may use to manage and find balance in your body.

183911336Here’s what we’ll do in our sessions…

Energy healing focuses on the energy you put into the world and how to manage the energy you receive or come into contact with from others.

Assessing how your body responds to energy…

You have a unique way of being and responding to your world. Together, we will uncover your sensitivities to your world and address them. As I work on aligning your energy, you will become more aware, and changes will be put into motion.

Some people report feeling tingling as the energy begins to shift, and they feel lighter and hopeful. Others report immediate relief from any discomfort or pain they were experiencing. Others realize a gentle unfolding over time that results in the necessary correction.

Learning how to manage and balance your energy…

Throughout the energy work, I will often provide you with areas to look at and pay attention to as you go about your day-to-day or to think about. You will begin to look at yourself differently – as part of a connection of a collective whole.

IQM teaches you to recognize the energy of your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and physical manifestations and shift that energy for immediate relief and greater balance.

You’ll learn to shift your energy “in the moment.”

You’ll be able to reinforce new experiences aligned with your highest good.

Developing insight…

As you tune in more keenly, you will be able to manage your responses more cleanly. As your thoughts expand about your world, you will see that fear and doubts have no place. The shift to focus on your intuition and responses will place you into a solution-focused mindset.

Adopting new thoughts and behaviors…

Developing insight and practicing new behaviors can empower you to heal and transform. Still, your brain and nervous system can slip back into old energy pathways over time, even if your cognitive mind knows what to do.

1892073133In case you’re wondering…

Because energy is everywhere, IQM is a hands-free technique and can be done remotely – often over the phone or via video.

I have studied IQM since 2014 and am a practitioner and teacher of Level 1 and Level 2. I host one or two weekend intensives each year to teach others how to manage the energy in their world.

If you are interested in learning IQM for yourself and your family, please email me your interest, and I will put you on the course list.

Are you ready to harness the power of the Universe?

You can call for a free 15-minute consultation and ask me any questions, and I can do a mini-energy clearing for you.

Or, you can experience IQM for yourself in an individual session which will provide you with a much more thorough experience.

Call me today to get started: (785) 817-0517.